For Maintenance of Granite or Marble Columbarium

When purchasing our granite or marble Columbarium products, we highly recommend sealing the tiles with Miracle Sealants. The warranty on our granite or marble Columbarium product requires using Miracle Sealants, an impregnator penetrating sealer based on company specification. For Columbarium’s located outdoors, apply Miracle Sealants twice per year, every six months. For Columbarium’s located indoors, apply Miracle Sealants once per year. Miracle Sealants cleans, polishes, and helps the granite or marble sustain its ravishing look. To apply the sealant, first wet the surface you will be applying the product onto, then allow the sealant to sit 3-5 minutes. Wipe or buff off the excess with a clean towel or carpet bonnet. Do not allow sealant to be placed on aluminum framing supports. Do not allow the sealant to dry or evaporate on the surface of the Columbarium or a residue will appear. This residue can be removed by reactivating it with more Miracle Sealants or mineral spirits and buffing immediately until dry. We recommend applying Miracle Sealants twice on the Granite or Marble Columbarium. For multiple applications, allow the sealant to dry 1 - 3 hours minimum before applying the next application. For further instructions, please review the attached video:
To purchase Miracle Sealants, the product can be found in any home improvement centers including Home Depot, Menards, and Lowes.

If you have any questions about Miracle Sealants or our Columbarium product, please contact us at 1-800-229-4500